Ä [38] TALK.POLITICS.DRUGS (1:375/48) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ TALK.POLITICS.DRUGS Ä Msg : #3363 [200] From : NORML California 1:2613/335 Sun 24 Apr 94 12:06 To : All Subj : Senate Stops "Smoke A Joint" ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ From: NORML California California Senate Judiciary Committee Blocks "Smoke A Joint, Lose Your License" SACRAMENTO, April 19: The State Senate Judiciary Committee rejected a "Smoke a Joint, Lose Your License" bill, SB 2006 by Sen. Tim Leslie, which would have imposed a mandatory, six-month driver's license suspension for all drug offenses, regardless of whether they are driving-related. California NORML, which led the opposition to SB 2006, is hopeful that the Senate action will prove fatal to Gov. Wilson's campaign to impose "Smoke a Joint, Lose Your License." The Assembly Transportation Committee passed a "Smoke A Joint, Lose Your License" bill, AB 79x, on April 13, after amending it with a one- year sunset clause to allow the legislature to reconsider after this year's election. AB 79x is presently headed towards the Assembly Ways and Committee. However, should it pass the Assembly, it now appears likely to meet the same fate as SB 2006 before the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Committee turned down "Smoke A Joint" on a 4-4 vote, two votes short of passage. Opposition included two key Democratic leaders, Committee Chairman David Roberti and Senate President Pro Tem Bill Lockyer, along with Sen. Milton Marks (D -SF) and Sen. Nick Petris (D-Oakland), co-sponsors of a medical marijuana bill (SB 1364) that will be heard April 26. Voting for "Smoke A Joint" were Sen. Robert Presley (D-Riverside) and the committee's three Republicans, Sen. Cathie Wright, Sen. Rob Hurtt, and Sen. Tim Leslie. Three other committee members were absent for the vote, but were thought to be mostly leaning against the bill: Sen. Art Torres (D- San Gabriel), Sen. Diane Watson (D-Redondo Beach/Culver City), and Sen. Charles Calderon (D-Whittier). California NORML thanks supporters for writing and calling the legislature to oppose "Smoke A Joint," but is warning them not to put down their guard since the issue is likely to be reconsidered this session. Supporters are urged to continue writing their State Senators and Assemblymen in opposition to "Smoke A Joint, Lose Your License." They are especially urged to contact the three senators who did not vote on SB 2006, plus Assembly Ways and Means Committee Chairman John Vasconcellos, who will be holding hearings on AB 79x shortly. Address to State Assembly/Senate, Sacramento CA 95814. --- * Origin: COBRUS - Usenet-to-Fidonet Distribution System (1:2613/335.0)